Sunday, 4 October 2009

Make do and mend the revival

I have decided to look into made do and mend for my first module as I feel it is very current even now, especially with the credit crunch, it seems to have done a full circle.

I am very much into recycling and not waisting things so this seemed right up my street.

In the 1940s people had no other choice as they were given coupons to buy clothes with so they could not exceed their quota, but now people are choosing to go to vintage fairs and charity shops for those second hand bargains. What is better than getting something for so cheap that you wont see 20 other people wearing.

Vivienne Westwood has even been giving advice on current make do and mend tips for the hard times, making your on jewellery and clothes.

clothes now are getting so cheap it sometimes its cheaper to buy a new t from a high street shop rather than heading off to a charity shop or a vintage fair, for those bits to repair or update but people are considering where its been made and who has been making it, after Primark were caught out allowing their clothes to be made in slums by extremely poor people for next to nothing and as usual the company was making a massive mark up at their expense. people are now considering what actually goes on behind fashion house doors.

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